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Программа 42-й встречи
18.30 – 19.00 Сбор участников.
19.00 – 20.00 Егор Богатов «Как добавить свою оптимизацию в JIT для C#»
20.00 – 20.30 Перерыв
20.30 – 21.30 Raffaele Rialdi «Span, Memory and Pipelines, the APIs you always missed»
Спикер: Егор Богатов
Тема: Как добавить свою оптимизацию в JIT для C#
В этом докладе Егор на примере нескольких своих оптимизаций внутри RyuJIT расскажет, каким образом это работает и как можно попробовать свои силы и реализовать свою собственную оптимизацию для C#.
Разработчик в компании Microsoft из команды Mono. Работает над .NET 5, Mono Runtime, и контрибьютит в CoreCLR/CoreFX.
Спикер: Raffaele Rialdi
Тема: Span, Memory and Pipelines, the APIs you always missed
The new Span<T> and Memory<T> are a new set of APIs offering the ability to dramatically lower memory copies obtaining native-like performance while still coding safely. An interesting bonus is the support for unsafe pointers and memory manipulation that voids the need of native languages in many scenarios.
In addition to that, the Pipelines and Buffers APIs, created to boost the ASP.NET Core performances, provides a very powerful replacement of stream-based processing with the minimum possible overhead.
During the session we will see all of those APIs in action, understanding how they works and when they should be adopted.
О спикере
Raffaele Rialdi is a senior Software Architect working as a consultant, speaker and trainer. Since 2003, he is a Microsoft MVP in the Developer Security category. His passion for the community brought him to be a member of the board of UGIdotNET, president of DotNetLiguria and co-founder of the Italian C++ user group. He is currently working as an architect and developer on the backend of an enterprise project with a specific focus on code generation and working on cross-platform mobile and IoT development in both C# and C++ languages.
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